What if we told you that replacing that disposable bottle that you use daily with a portable glass water bottle, you could eliminate the eight million metric tons of plastic waste that end up in landfills and oceans each year. Your ecological footprint on this planet is greater than you may think and we at
(via: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/earth-globe-birth-new-arise-405096/) The world is undergoing a shift to being much more environmentally conscious. Customers prefer environmentally friendly and sustainable products and people generally care more about the environment than in the past. Even the standards when it comes to testing environmental sites are changing (this article can help you understand more about it). All
Are you still using a plastic, disposable water bottle? It’s time to change. Disposable water bottle are bad for your health and extremely harmful to the environment. Plastic bottles are not sustainable. Most of plastic drinking bottles end up in landfills. According to Sierra Club, consumers trash over 24 billion bottles each year in the
It’s time for those snow boots and warm jackets. The winter season can be a bit difficult for those of us who love the 100 degree heat and sunshine. Studies report that the cold weather kills 20 times more people than heat. These deaths are attributed to exposure to excessive cold, hypothermia, or both. As
Plastic pollution control is in our hands To put the threat of plastic pollution in perspective, consider the fact that every piece of plastic ever made still exists in one form or another. Despite the convenience and function plastic offers us, plastic is polluting our planet. The statistics in this infographic from CustomMade makes clear
Nearly everyone is guilty of using disposable water bottles at some point. After all, they are everywhere from the gym and work to grocery stores and even our children’s schools. Many people use these single-use plastic water bottles almost exclusively because they are convenient, but how much do you really know about this product? Here